Saturday, February 9, 2013

Your Greater Journey

Greater:  Dream Bigger, Start Smaller, Ignite God’s Vision for Your Life.
By:  Steven Furtick

Publisher:  Multnomah Books
ISBN #:  160142325X
Pages:  224

This book is about how God wants us to pursue the Greater life and God-given dreams He has called us to.  Through the story of the Old Testament prophet Elisha, Pastor Furtick explores how Elisha’s faith in God enabled him to not only fulfill the work that God wanted him to do but also created the man God wanted Elisha to be.  Through the story of Elisha it is illustrated how God can do so much with us despite that we may not believe so.  Pastor Furtick also speaks of the moments on the journey where we can lose our momentum and passion and how God is concerned with every detail of our lives and wants to give our momentum back to us.  I thought this served as such a poignant reminder that He is always with us on the Greater journey He has for us.

This book is an encouraging and recommended read.  Pastor Furtick brings a message that is well-written and relevant.  Elisha’s story really illustrates how God can work in our lives to make us greater for His kingdom and reveals who we are in Him.  Another bonus is the discussion questions in the back, which allow for reflection and discussion with others.

If you have read this book or just want to leave a comment feel free to leave one below.  I would love to hear what you think of this book!  Many blessings to all on your Greater journeys!

Happy ReadingJ