Sunday, February 7, 2021

Book Review: The Mind of a Conservative Woman

The Mind of a Conservative Woman:
Seeking the Best for Family and Country

 Author:  Senator Marsha Blackburn
Publisher:  Worthy Books
Pages:  288

Before reading this book, I did not know much about Senator Blackburn.  This book will give you some insight into Senator Blackburn's believe and faith.  Senator Blackburn also gives a look into the role women have played within the history of conservatism.  

If you are interested in reading about the role women have played in history or want to know more about Senator Blackburn, you may enjoy this book.  

Happy Reading!

Note:  I have received a copy of this book from Hachette Books in exchange for an honest review.  #SponsoredByFaithWords

Book Review: A Higher Calling

 A Higher Calling:  
Pursuing Love, Faith, and Mount Everest

Author:  Harold Earls and Rachel Earls
Publisher:  Waterbrook
Pages:  210

This book is the true love and faith story of Harold and Rachel Earls.  This story depicts how God's hand is on each of our lives.  From the moment that Harold and Rachel meet, a faithful retelling story of their life begins.  Harold and Rachel each write with honesty, and love about their relationship and their faith in God.  Harold and Rachel talk about the challenges they faced during their first year of marriage, which included Harold's plan and dangerous adventure in climbing Mount Everest.

This book will uplift and empower you in your walk with God.  Harold and Rachel's faith is truly inspiring and I recommend that you read it.

Happy Reading!

Note:  I received a digital copy of this book from Waterbrook in exchange for an honest review.