The Single Woman
By: Mandy Hale
Publisher: Thomas
Nelson, Inc.
ISBN #: 9781400322312
Pages: 224
Mandy Hale writes to single women everywhere in this
book. She writes with an honesty that is
refreshing and her words are empowering.
Ms. Hale also covers many topics such as loving yourself, loneliness,
friendships, and letting go just to name a few.
I found her writing to be inspiring and very uplifting. Ms. Hale also includes her own thoughts,
feelings, and experiences on several of these topics which may make the reader
feel that the author is taking this single woman journey with her. There are also author quotes at the end of
some chapters that I found memorable.
I recommend this book to single women of all ages. I think this book can encourage and inspire
many a single woman.
If you have read this book, please feel free to comment
below. I would love to hear your
Happy Reading!