The Lost Heiress
Author: Roseanna M.
Publisher: Bethany
House Publishers
ISBN #: 9780764213502
Pages: 416
Meet Brook, a young woman who has felt out of place within
the society she grew up in. Brook was
raised in Monaco by a family that is not her own. Justin, Brook’s best friend and confidante,
goes in search of Brook’s biological parents and finds that Brook is an English
heiress. From the moment that Brook
steps into Whitby Park and meets her father and extended family, Brook’s life
is never the same. Mysteries surround
Brook from how her biological mother died to an even bigger mystery that
threatens Brook’s life.
Roseanna M. White does a terrific job engaging the reader
into Brook’s life and world. This book
is an absolute page turner, equipped with mystery, romance, and realistic
characters. This is the first book in
Ms. White’s Ladies of the Manor Series.
I just finished it and I cannot wait for the second installment of this
series to come out next year! I wholeheartedly
recommend this great read!
Feel free to let me know in the comments below your thoughts
on this book or others you have read from this author.
Happy Reading!
Note: I have received
a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest