Sunday, January 26, 2020

Book Review: You Are Enough: Heartbreak, Healing, and Becoming Whole

You Are Enough:  Heartbreak, Healing, and Becoming Whole

Author:  Mandy Hale
Publisher:  Faith Words
Genre:  Christian Living

You Are Enough by Mandy Hale is about her journey to discovering just what being “enough” means.  Ms. Hale is very real with her struggles that questions of being enough and the circumstances that brought her to asking, ‘Why am I not enough?’  Ms. Hale also shares so much about the heartbreak, and her journey to the exploration of herself and how she reconnected to God amidst this tough season of her life. She doesn’t hide those real moments of struggle from the reader and the rawness of her words will resonate with every reader as well. 

You Are Enough is so relevant to how we as women can feel at times.  I resonated with Ms. Hale’s journey.  Life’s struggles cause us to question our worth and whether or not we can make it through these struggles.  Despite our doubts, God is always near, He never lets us go.  The struggles are difficult however, you are not alone.  You will make it through.

Happy Reading!

Note:  I have received a copy of this book from Hachette Books in exchange for an honest review.  #SponsoredByFaithWords