Sunday, August 11, 2019

Book Review: Breakthrough: The Miraculous True Story of a Mother's Faith and Her Child's Resurrection

The Miraculous True Story of a Mother’s Faith and Her Child’s Resurrection

Authors:  Joyce Smith with Ginger Kolbaba
Publisher:  FaithWords
Pages:  256
Audience:  Adults/Adolescence
Genre:  Inspirational

Joyce Smith tells the true story of the day her 14-year-old son, John, died and the miracle that happened that brought her son back to life.  Joyce Smith is a wife, mother, and Christian who has tremendous faith.  On a most horrific day, when her son, John suffered an accident and drowned in a lake, Joyce’s faith was front and center, believing that her son would come back to life.  Joyce’s prayer in that hospital room as she prayed to God desperately to save her son’s life is very moving and shows the depth of Joyce’s faith.

This true story of Joyce, her son, John, her family, and the community is so inspiring.  Joyce takes you through each and every step of that difficult season of their lives with such detail that as a reader, you feel the journey that she and her family went through.  Joyce’s formidable faith is inspiring.  The Smith family’s story is a true example of how powerful, merciful, and unwavering our God truly is.

This memoir is a wonderful blessing of a read!  This book will touch you deeply and inspire your faith walk with God!

Happy Reading!

If you would like to get a copy of this engaging book, you can use my Amazon Affiliate link below:

Note:  I have received a copy of this book from Hachette Books in exchange for an honest review.  #SponsoredByFaithWords

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Book Review: This Is How We Pray

This Is How We Pray:
Discovering a Life of Intimate Friendship with God

Author:  Adam Dressler
Publisher:  Faith Words
Pages:  240
Audience:  Adults
Genre:  Christian Living / Prayer

This Is How We Pray explores how we can initiate and grow a relationship with God through prayer.  Adam Dressler writes about how prayer brings us into a friendship relationship with God.  Prayer allows us to be truly ourselves with God and allowing God to further our relationship with him.  Mr. Dressler also explores the ways in which we may feel unable to communicate with God:  such as guilt, and distraction.  Mr. Dressler also explores the way in which we may feel that our prayers aren’t answered, our disappointments and worries.

Mr. Dressler is very engaging and relatable from the first page.  He documents his prayer journey and the very real struggles he has encountered.  Mr. Dressler writes with an honest and relatable voice.  Mr. Dressler writes about how God’s invitation to communicate with him in prayer is all we have to accept.  This was very sobering to read because so many times we can feel unworthy and that we are not perfect enough to communicate with God, which is not true.  God longs to hear from us.

I recommend this book to everyone.  Whether you are new to prayer or if you want to deepen your understanding of prayer, read this book.

If you would like to get a copy of this engaging book, you can use my Amazon Affiliate link below:

Happy Reading!

Note:  I have received a copy of this book from Hachette Books in exchange for an honest review.  #SponsoredByFaithWords