Sunday, March 31, 2019

Book Review: Pull It Off - Removing Your Fears and Putting on Confidence

Pull It Off:  Removing Your Fears and Putting on Confidence

Author:  Julianna Zobrist
Publisher:  Faith Words
Pages:  225
Audience:  Women
Genre:  Christian Living

Pull It Off by Julianna Zobrist is an eye-opening read.  Julianna Zobrist, music artist, fashionista, and speaker writes about fears and where they come from.  With a vulnerable and wise voice, Mrs. Zobrist speaks from the heart of her own challenges with fear and how she met each challenge with her faith.  Mrs. Zobrist takes us on a journey into accepting who we are as God’s children, who He made us to be and accepting ourselves.

A few points that Mrs. Zobrist makes in this book I found to be very powerful.  She states that the power of our words can have a tremendous effect that can impact what we believe of ourselves.  Mrs. Zobrist also points out that we were the intention of God to fulfill a purpose He has ordained for each of us.  These are very important points for every woman to hear as through our journey through life, it is easy to forget Whose we are and how the power of our words can hurt us.

I recommend this book to every woman; whether you are young in your faith or have had your faith tested.  Julianna Zobrist speaks to the heart of every woman of faith with truth, honesty, and faith.  This book is truly inspiring!

Happy Reading!

This review has been #SponsoredByFaithWords

Note:  I have received a copy of this book from Hachette Books in exchange for an honest review.  #SponsoredByFaithWords

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