Sunday, April 21, 2019

Book Review: Give Them Jesus

Give Them Jesus
Raising our Children on the Core Truths of the Christian Faith

Author:  Dillon T. Thornton, PhD
Publisher:  FaithWords
Pages:  218
Audience:  Adults/Parents
Genre:  Christian Living/Parenting

Give Them Jesus by Dillon T. Thornton, PhD focuses on how to teach children on the truths of the Christian faith.  It is difficult for parents to communicate the Christian values and faith of the Bible to a child in a way that they would understand.  Dr. Thornton, however, has a solution that would aid parents bring faith to their children in a way that would be understood.  Dr. Thornton suggests beginning this journey with the Apostle’s Creed.  The Apostle’s Creed is an organized way to teach about the values and teachings of the Christian faith.  Dr. Thornton proceeds to guide parents in an explanation of each part of the Creed and suggests ways in which these parts can be explained to a child.  He includes a family worship guide at the end of every chapter to serve as a tool for parents.

I found that Dr. Thornton’s idea of teaching the Apostle’s Creed to children to be a wonderful idea that helps children to understand the Christian faith and helps to grow their own faith.  Dr. Thornton is very real with his explanations and even his own experiences with his children.  This book would be helpful to every parent that needs a starter to guiding their children in the Christian faith.

Happy Reading!

Note:  I have received a copy of this book from Hachette Books in exchange for an honest review.  #SponsoredByFaithWords

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