Publisher: Zondervan
Pages: 256
You Are The Girl For The Job: Daring to Believe the God Who Calls You is a thought-provoking read on our God-given calling and purpose. Jess Connolly points out the truth, straight from the Scriptures, of our purpose that is only found in God. Ms. Connolly speaks about shame, self-doubt, and other fears that keep us from realizing and fulfilling our God-given purpose. Ms. Connolly speaks very honestly and also is vulnerable in her own telling of moments in life where she struggled. Ms. Connolly writes with encouragement and wisdom; encouraging each reader that she is the girl for the job because God has enabled her to be.
I believe this book will have a positive impact on you. I can say that after reading this book, I view differently when I encounter my own moments when I feel discouraged or fearful. I remember the truths highlighted in this book and the negative perspective shifts.
I recommend this book to any woman who has ever doubted her abilities or is stuck in her fears that won't allow her to move forward. This book will encourage you with the Truth of His Word and who God has created you to be.
Happy Reading!