Sunday, September 30, 2018

Book Review: Shaken: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life's Storms

Shaken:  Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life’s Storms

Author:  Tim Tebow & A.J. Gregory
Publisher:  WaterBrook Publishing
Pages:  224
Audience:  Adults
Genre:  Christian Living

Shaken by Tim Tebow is an absolutely inspirational read.  This book is not an autobiography of Tim Tebow’s life however, Tim Tebow does highlight his experiences in his career and life that illustrates how the difficult times in life is met by God’s faithfulness.  Mr. Tebow talks about his feelings as he went through these difficult times which was relatable.  Mr. Tebow’s faith in God and the truth of God’s Word shines through the words he writes. 

Mr. Tebow’s book really speaks to those moments in our lives where we are facing our own giants and amidst our struggles we can reach out to help others in their time of need.  Mr. Tebow makes a poignant point of helping others amidst the struggles we face.  As people we may feel that in our struggles we have nothing to offer another person, however we indeed have the love of God that enables us to reach out to another and give comfort and support.  

I recommend this book to everyone.  This book has a wonderful positive and faithful message.  God is with us always, through each moment of our lives.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Book Review: Live Fearless: A Call to Power, Passion, and Purpose

Live Fearless:  A Call to Power, Passion, and Purpose

Author:  Sadie Robertson
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson Publishers
Pages:  224
Audience:  Young Adults
Genre:  Christian Living

Live Fearless by Sadie Robertson has a truly powerful message about tackling the issues of fear, worry, and anxiety.  Sadie talks about her personal issues with fear and how it has been a stumbling block in her life.  Sadie depicts a very honest picture of how her fear made her feel. 

Sadie also speaks honestly about how her faith and belief in the Lord enabled her to go through the journey to overcome her fears.  Sadie gives all the glory and praise to the Lord for guiding her through this journey and encourages others to do the same.  Sadie’s faith is truly inspiring.

I recommend this book to young adults and even to adults.  Sadie’s journey in overcoming the obstacle of fear is relatable and inspirational.  Sadie’s faith walk is genuine and her clear message that the Lord is with us always, championing our struggles is very comforting and true.  Sadie is a true inspiration of faith in action.

Happy Reading!

Note:  I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Book Review: Everybody Always

Everybody Always:
Becoming Love In a World Full of Setbacks and Difficult People

Author:  Bob Goff
Publisher:  Nelson Books
Pages:  211
Audience:  Adults
Genre:  Religion/Spirituality

Everybody Always by Bob Goff is about loving others.  Mr. Goff writes about the one subject God stipulated we should all do; which is to love one another.  Mr. Goff writes with realism; acknowledging that not everyone we meet are likeable and challenges us to push past the veneer and love others anyway.

Mr. Goff writes from his own experiences in his life.  He divulges the stories of the opportunities he has had and even created to love on others.  Mr. Goff speaks truthfully and does not sugar-coat any of these experiences.  The first thing I noticed, and I deeply admire about Mr. Goff is that he is passionate about loving others.  He recognized that it can be challenging but he also admits it is not about him. 

I truly admire Mr. Goff and his example of loving others.  I recommend that you read this book, it will challenge you and will be a refreshing read.

Happy Reading!

Note:  I received a copy of this book from Bookish First in exchange for an honest review.